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[영문법/영어문법] 영문법 단문,중문,복문

[영문법/영어문법] 영문법 단문,중문,복문
문장을 구조에 따라  분류하면 단문, 중문, 복문으로 나눌 수 있다.  특히 영어(중학교 교과서)에서는 단문을 복문으로  전환하는 문형이 많이 나오므로 다음에 나오는 예문들을 보고 잘 익혀 두자.


 S+V 가 한번만으로 이루어진 문장

 She sang a beautiful song(그녀는 아름다운 노래를 불렀다.)
 We played many games.( 우리는 많은 놀이를 했다.)
 I am a student.  ( 나는 학생이다.)


두 개이상의 단문이 등위 접속사
and, but, or, so, for 로 연결된 문장
중문 : S + V 대등접속사 S + V

  He is a teacher and she is a doctor.( 그는 선생님이고                                              나는학생이다.)
  She likes apples, but he doesn't.(그녀는 사과를 좋아하지만           그는 그렇지 않다.)
  She is pretty and he is handsome.( 그녀는 예쁘고 그는             잘생겼다.)


S + V 종속접속사 S + V (주절과 종속절로 이루어진 문장)
* 종속접속사 : because, that, if, when.......

  I know that he went to America
  My father died when I  was ten.
  I know a girl who is a student.

              ▲단문                       <--->                 복문

    1.so as to( in order to )    <-- >        so that --may(can)

    2. too ---- to                 <--->        so -- that --can't

    3. S seem to V.              <--->         It seems that  S + V~

    4. @ enough to V           <---->        so @ that   S  can

    5. 의문사 + to V              <---->        의문사 + S + should  V


1.~  하기 위하여 ( 목적) :so that  S may( can)<--> so as to V ( in order to V)

1. He worked hard so that he might succeed.
--> He worked hard so as to succeed.  (그는 성공하기 위하여 열심히 공부했다.)
--> He worked hard in order to succeed.
2. Women must fight so that they may get a chance to work for society.( 여자들은 사회를 위해 일할 기회를 얻기 위해 투쟁해야 한다.)
--> Women must fight so as to get a chance  to work for society.
--> Women must fight in order to get a chance  to work for society.
3. I sat up very late last night so that I might finish the book.
--> I sat up very late last night so as to finish the book. (나는 그책을 끝내기 위해서 밤늦게까지 앉아 있었다.)
4. I started saving money so that I might buy a new bike.
--> I started saving money so as to buy a new bike.( 나는 새자전거를 사기위해 돈을 모으기 시작했다.)


2.too  ~ to = so   형용사/부사 that  S can't:  너무 ~해서 ~ 할 수 없다.

* 단문에서 앞의 주어와 같은 목적어는 생략한다.
1. They are very small. You cannot see them.
--> They are so small that you cannot see them.
--> They are too small for you to see. ( 그것들은 너무 작아서 당신이 볼 수가 없다.)
2. The old man is very weak. He can't raise his hand.
-->The old man is so weak that he can't raise his hand.
-->The old man is too weak to raise his hand.( 그 노인은 너무 약해서 그의 손을 들 수가 없다.)
3. The box was so big that In-ho couldn't carry it.
--> The box was too big for In-ho to carry.( 그 상자는 너무 커서 인호가 옮길 수 없었다.)
4. The team is so strong that we can't beat it.
--> The team is too strong for us to beat.( 그 팀은 너무 강해서 우리가 이길 수 없다.)
5. The stone is too heavy for us to lift. ( 그돌은 너무 무거워서 우리가 들 수가 없다.)
->The stone is so heavy that we can't lift  it.


3.seem 구문의 전환

  It seems that S + V  = S seem to V : ~ 처럼 보인다. ( 추측)

단순부정사: 주절의 시제와 동일한 시제

완료부정사: 주절의 시제보다 한시제 앞선 시제

 1. It seems that he is rich.
-> He seems to be rich. (단순부정사)( 그는 부자인 것처럼 보인다.)
 2. It seemed that he was rich.
 -> He seemed to be rich. (단순부정사)( 그는 부자인 것처럼 보였다.)
 3. It seems that he was rich.
 -> He seems to have been rich. (완료부정사)( 그는 부자였던 것처럼 보인다.)
  4. It seemed that he had been rich.
 --> He seemed to have been rich. (완료부정사) ( 그는 부자였던 것 처럼 보였다.)
 5. It seems that there are many Buddhists in Korea.
 -> There seem to be many Buddhists in Korea. ( 한국에는 많은 불교신자들이 있는 것처럼 보인다,)
 6: It seemed that the news was so shocking to him.
 -->The news seemed to be shocking to him.(그 소식은 그에게 충격적인 것 처럼 보였다.)



4 형용사 enough to V  =  so 형용사  that  S can V  :  ~ 할만큼 충분히 ~할 수 있다.

  1. The Romans were strong enough to rule many countries.
 --> The Romans were so strong that they could rule many countries.(로마인들은       많은 나라를 지배할만큼 충분히 힘이 세었다.)
  2.  You are old enough to go to school.  ( 너는 학교에 갈만큼 충분히 나이가 들었다.)
  --> You are so old that you can go to school.
  3.He was strong enough to lift the box.( 그는 그 상자를 들만큼 충분히 힘이 세다.)          
  --> He was so strong that he could lift the box.
  4. She was kind enough to show me the way to the station.(그녀는 나에게 역으로 가는 길을 가르쳐줄만큼         충분히 친철했다.)
  --> She was so kind that she could show me the way to the station.