영어회화 영어 전화영어 영어공부 생활영어 영어문법 영어기초 영어공부잘하는법 썸네일형 리스트형 학교에서 자주쓰는영어 Which school are you attending? Where do you go to school? What school are you enroll in? Which (=What) school do you attend? 어느 학교에 다니십니까? Where will the school be situated? 학교는 어디에 위치하게 됩니까? What are you majoring at? 무얼 전공하십니까? What grade are you in? What year are you in? 몇 학년입니까? He is in the sixth form[grade]. 그는 6학년이다. What grade are you in? I'm in the first grade. 너는 몇 학년이냐 ? 1학년입니다. A : W.. 더보기 May I introduce myself to you? 영어로 자기소개 하기 저를 소개하겠습니다. May I introduce myself to you? Please let me introduce myself to you. Please allow me to introduce myself. Perhaps I should introduce myself. 김씨, 이씨를 소개합니다. Mr. Kim, this is Mr. Lee. may I introduce Mr. Lee to you? I'd like to introduce Mr. Lee. I'd like you to meet Mr. Lee. I want you to meet Mr. Lee. let me introduce Mr. Lee. 제 소개를 하겠습니다. First of all, I will tell you s.. 더보기 가족소개 가족이 많으십니까? Do you have a large family? 가족에 말씀해 주시겠습니까? What would you tell me about your family? 가족에 대해 물어도 될까요? Would you mind if I ask about your family? 할머니는 생존해 계십니까? Is your grandmother still alive? 가족이 어떻게 되세요? How large is your family? How big is your family? How large a family do you have? How many people are there in your family? 가족은 모두 몇 명입니까? How many are there in your family? 형제나 자매가.. 더보기 She is a regular. 단골이에요. She is a regular. ▣ 우리나라에선 단골손님에게 물건값도 깎아주고 외상도 가끔 해주지만, 미국에선 그런 경우는 거의 없고 단지 좀더 반기는 정도입니다. 왠지 좀 정이 없는 것 같죠? 하지만 영어에도 단골손님이란 표현은 있습니다. ▣ 보통 a regular customer 줄여서 a regular라고 하는데요. 일정하게 오는 손님으로 생각하면 쉽죠. ▣ “그 여자는 우리가게 단골이에요.”를 영어로 하면 She is a regular here. 또는 뜻 그대로 풀어서 She comes to my store so often.이라고도 합니다. I think I see him frequently around this area. Is he a regular? 저 사람을 여기서 자주 보는 것.. 더보기 You bet./ Absolutely. It is natural that... 1. 당근이지 You bet./ Absolutely. It is natural that... 2. 썰렁하군 That's a lame joke. 3. 분위기 망치게 (조지게) 하지마. 초치지마 Don't spoil the mood! Don't rain my parade "Look before you leap" 4. 너나 잘 해 Why don't you mind your own business? None of your business. 5. 내 성질 건드리지 마 Don't hit my nerve. 6. 뒷북치지마 Thanks for the history lesson. 7. 잘났어 정말 / 너 잘났다 You are something else! 8. 어제 필름이 끊겼어 I got blacked out yeste.. 더보기 The hour is late. It's time to sleep. The hour is late. It's time to sleep. 시간늦었다. 잘 시간이다. Youngbum, say good night to cuckoo: 쿠쿠( 뻐꾸기 울음소리) 한테 잘자라고 인사해야지. is it ok? Wake up! Daddy! Should I give a pillow? -베개 줄까? Can I lie down next to you?: 네 옆에 누워도 되니? Would you like to sleep more?: 더자고 싶어요? I like to sleep more. 더 자고 싶어요. You're right. It's time to sleep. Let's go to bed" (잘 시간이다. 자러가자.) You must sleep now. 지금 자야돼. Say good nigh.. 더보기 Grandfa's crying. Grandfa's crying. Do you have headache?"머리아프니? .I saw you yawning, too: 나는 너 하품하는거 봤지요. Are you still angry? 훌레이! 훌레이!(Hooray!Who's crying? I'm thirsty. 목말라. Give me water. I'm so tired. 너무 피곤해. What''s Grandma doing? 할머니 뭐하세요. Funny? You look pretty: 예뻐 보인다. What's wrong? Why? Itch here. 여기 가려워. It's heavy? Youngbum,! You need to clean your nose. 코 깨끗이 해야지. Oh! It's dirty. Blow your nose with t.. 더보기 Bring a colored pencil!" Bring a colored pencil!" Put this garbage into the garbage can."(이 쓰레기 쓰레기통에 좀 버려줄래) Youngbum, bring my bag to me. Can you find it for me? (내 가방 좀 갖다 줄래 좀 찾아주라.) Newspaper? 신문? Medicine?:약? Here you are. Should I give water, too?"(물도 줄까?) 더보기 이전 1 ··· 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ··· 55 다음