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I came down to see you with an ulter.. 직역하면 '저변에 깔려 있는 동기'로서, 겉모습 이면에 감춰진 저의나 숨은 뜻을 가리키는 데 많이 쓰이는 표현입니다. ▨ CONVERSATION ▨ A:Oh, I thought you left. Why are you still here? B:Well, I decided to come clean with you. I came down to see you with an ulterior motive. A:You did? Sounds like you're ready to let it out. A:아, 나는 자네가 이미 떠난 줄 알았는데. 왜 아직도 남아 있어? B:실은 고백할 게 있어서요. 아까 제가 뵈러 온 데는 다른 뜻이 있었어요. A:그랬나? 이젠 말할 준비가 된 것 같아 보이는데. 더보기
we made a verbal contract on that pr.. 직역하면 '말로 계약을 하다'는 뜻으로 '구두계약을 하다'는 표현입니다. ▨ CONVERSATION ▨ A:Have you seen our contract file of 798ZT project? B:As I remember, we made a verbal contract with the Yota on that project. A:Oh, that's right! What about 450RE projects? A:자네 798ZT 프로젝트 계약서 파일 봤나? B:제 기억으론 그 프로젝트는 요타 쪽과 구두계약을 한 것으로 아는데요. A:아 참, 그렇군! 그럼 450RE 프로젝트는? 더보기
No labor, no bread. You'd better hur.. 직역하면 '노동 없이는 빵조차 없다'는 뜻으로, 열심히 일하지 않으면 그에 따른 대가도 없다는 표현입니다. ▨ CONVERSATION ▨ A:Where are you heading? We're having a meeting about our upcoming project at 2 pm. Remember? B:Oh, No! No more meetings, please! A:No labor, no bread. You'd better hurry. A:새로운 프로젝트 회의가 2시에 시작할 텐데 자네 어딜 가나? B:오, 제발! 회의는 이제 그만합시다! A:일한 게 없으면 대가도 없는 법이라네. 서두르게나. 중앙일보 더보기
we are like a cat and a dog. A cat and a dog 보통 원수지간인 관계나 앙숙 관계일 때 고양이와 개의 관계와 같다고들 하지요. 서로 맞지 않는 관계를 일컫는 표현입니다. ▨ CONVERSATION ▨ A:My boss tells me that I must work overtime every night. It makes me so angry. B:You'd better listen to your boss. Your boss could fire you tomorrow. A:I understand your point but we are like a cat and a dog. A:상사가 매일 밤 야근을 하라는데 정말 화가 나네. B:그래도 따르는 게 좋을 거야. 내일이라도 자넬 해고할 수 있잖나. A:무슨 뜻인지는 알겠지만 우린 .. 더보기
I heard you hit a high in sales last.. Hit a high in sales 위의 구문을 직역해 보면 '매출에 있어 최고점을 치다'로서 '매출을 많이 올리다'라는 의미입니다. 위의 표현에서 'high'는 명사로 '최고 수준'을 뜻합니다. 'sales' 앞에 'in'이라는 전치사가 있음을 주의하세요. A:Mr. Brown, nice to meet you again. How are things going? B:It can't be better. Things are really looking up these days. A:Yeah. I heard you hit a high in sales last month. B:Boy, you know it. We've never had a month like that before. A:브라운, 다시 만나 반갑습니.. 더보기
"“The third guy who plants the trees is.. A passerby noticed a couple of city workers working along the city sidewalks. The man was quite impressed with their hard work, but he couldn’t understand what they were doing. Finally, he approached the workers and asked, “I appreciate how hard you’re both working, but what the heck are you doing? It seems that one of you digs a hole, and then the other guy immediately fills it back up again….”.. 더보기
“Get your own damn blanket!” A man and a woman who have never met before find themselves in the same sleeping carriage of a train. In the middle of the night the woman wakes the man and says, “I’m sorry to bother you, but I’m awfully cold and I was wondering if you could possibly get me another blanket.” The man says, “I’ve got a better idea... just for tonight, let’s pretend we’re married.” The woman thinks for a moment. “.. 더보기
"This was the most evil thing I could do.. "Cash or credit card?" the cashier asked after folding items the woman wished to purchase.As the woman fumbled for her wallet,the cashier noticed a remote control for a television set in her purse. "Do you always carry your TV remote?" the cashier asked. "No," she replied."But my husband refused to come shopping with me, so I figured this was the most evil thing I could do to him." 여자 손님이 사려는 물건.. 더보기